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This week we're so excited to welcome our first guest, Meghan Deans! Meghan is a writer, television enthusiast, and book marketer. She writes plays about history and stories about falling in love at Trader Joe's. She is the Senior Marketing Director for Ecco, an imprint of HarperCollins.

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Here's Meghan schooling Jenna (and the rest of us) on the meaning of John 18:25, which Paco's ghost quotes to David in the embalming room: "When Peter stood and warmed himself, they said therefore unto him, 'Art thou one of his disciples?' He denied it and said, 'I am not.'" (Meghan went to Vacation Bible School as a kid—she knows her stuff.) Thanks so much for joining us and providing us with so many excellent insights, Meghan! Please come back soon.

If you like this episode and want to check out more of director Lisa Cholodenko's work, you can read about High Art, The Kids Are All Right, and Laurel Canyon.






























If you'd like more context regarding the 1992 LA Riots, which David and Keith mention during their fight, here's a collection of pieces the LA Times put together for the twenty-fifth anniversary of the riots in 2017.

And finally, we learn in this episode that when Nate and David played Addams Family as children, Nate was always Gomez and David was always Lurch. We encourage you to imagine them just like this:

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